

Resistance in Norway after the Capture of Berlin and Loss of the Ruhr Report by J.I.C.

1 Mar 1945

A volume of reports commissioned for the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain's intelligence organisations accordingly. A vast range of international and domestic issues are investigated and analysed in the JIC's reports. Subjects covered in this file include the German will to resist after United States and Soviet front lines met in Germany; possible actions of the German garrison in Norway; the danger of further V-weapon attacks on southern England; possible Nazi plans to stage a last stand in southern Germany and Austria; the exchange of information with the Soviets concerning captured V-weapon sites; the protection and exploitation of German archives; political conditions in Japan; the abrogation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact; and the possibility of a Soviet invasion of Manchuria.
germany air power aircraft denmark norway ports submarines warships fuel berlin second world war food supplies military intelligence military supplies morale coastal defence military dispositions joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff nazi leadership nazi-occupied europe military shortages joint planning staff victor cavendish-bentinck geoffrey vickers german u-boats surrender german army military strength predicting enemy intentions german navy german air force assessing enemy strength german withdrawal torpedo boats naval strength
Collection ID
Second World War
Denmark Germany Norway
Document Reference
CAB 81/128/3
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/128
Nazi-occupied Europe Predicting Enemy Intentions Berlin German Army Military Dispositions Morale Military Strength German Navy Warships Torpedo Boats Naval Strength German Air Force Air Power Aircraft German Withdrawal Assessing Enemy Strength Food Supplies Military Supplies Military Shortages Coastal Defence Nazi Leadership Surrender German U-boats Submarines Ports Fuel
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Planning Staff
Persons Discussed
Victor Cavendish-Bentinck Geoffrey Vickers
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. March - April 1945. Papers Numbers. JIC 76-150. Volume XXXVIII
Military Intelligence

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