

1. Chinese Communist Threat in the Far East and South East Asia; 2. Soviet Threat to Malta; 3. Military Clauses of the Sino-Soviet Treaty; 4. Exchange of Information with the Americans on Arms Traffic

1 Jul 1950

2. SOVIET THREAT TO MALTA TOP SECRET THE COMMITTEE considered a report by the Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East-, on the Soviet threat to Malta, together with a minute by the SecretaryX covering comments by the Joint Intelligence Staff thereon. MR. WHITE referred to paragraph 2 of the comments by the Joint Intelligence Staff which suggested that the report was incomplete without some mention of the strength of Communism and likely Communist activities in the Island. There was no organised Communist party in Malta, and Communist propaganda of all kinds was proscribed.
united kingdom politics malta hong kong alliances colonies communism czechoslovakia ideology information sharing international relations treaties soviet union korea cold war surveillance contingency planning defence military intelligence empire chinese foreign policy security service secret intelligence service central intelligence agency political intelligence weapons trade ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office former colonies war preparations imperial defence anglo-american relations intelligence channels intelligence reports joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe threat of war with the ussr joint intelligence committee (middle east) american intelligence services intelligence requirements kenneth strong dick white air raid precautions military strength invasion threat predicting enemy intentions assessing enemy strength diplomatic intelligence troop movements joint intelligence committee (far east) soviet-chinese relations chinese civil war
Collection ID
Cold War
Czechoslovakia Korea Malta Soviet Union United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/8/24
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/8
Communism Chinese Foreign Policy Chinese Civil War Hong Kong Invasion Threat Colonies Empire Imperial Defence Contingency Planning Predicting Enemy Intentions Assessing Enemy Strength Military Intelligence Military Strength War Preparations Troop Movements Defence Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Threat Of War With The Ussr Former Colonies Air Raid Precautions Political Intelligence Politics Ideology Treaties Soviet-chinese Relations Diplomatic Intelligence Alliances Intelligence Channels Information Sharing Anglo-american Relations American Intelligence Services Weapons Trade
Central Intelligence Agency Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Middle East) Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong Dick White
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 69-138
International Relations Military Intelligence Surveillance

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