Minutes of the Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Committee (Deputy Directors (O and S ) ) , Held in Conference Room 'g' , at the Ministry of Defence, S.W.I, on Thursday, 30th March, 1950 at 10.45 a.m.



Minutes of the Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Committee (Deputy Directors (O and S ) ) , Held in Conference Room 'g' , at the Ministry of Defence, S.W.I, on Thursday, 30th March, 1950 at 10.45 a.m.

TOP SECRET 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERROGATION CENTRE IN HONG KONG. (Previous reference: J.I.C. (50) 15th Meeting, Minute 4) The Committee considered a Minute+ by the Secretary covering a minute by the Secretary, Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) reporting the views of that Committee and those of the Local Intelligence Committee, Hong Kong, on the establishment of an Interrogation Centre in Hong Kong. In discussion it was generally agreed that, in the light of these views, the Committee's previous objections to the establishment of separate Interrogation Centres in Malaya and Hong Kong should be withdrawn and that the Joint Intelligence Committee, Far East, should therefore proceed on the lines set out in their previous report on this subject≠. MR. MORGAN said that, as regards the financial considerations regarding the establishment of the Interrogation Centre, the Governor of Hong Kong was anxious that the share of the cost to be borne by the Hong Kong Government should be accounted for covertly. It was generally agreed that the Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) should be invited to arrange, in initiating the necessary financial and establishment measures by Departments, for the matter to be treated as a top secret subject, the necessary action being taken to ensure that the accounts were covertly treated and would not appear in any open document. THE COMMITTEE:- Instructed the Secretary to reply to the Joint Intelligence Committee, Far East, in the light of their discussion. + J.I.C./525/50 ≠ J.I.C. (FE) (50) 3. SECRET 3. ALLIED COMMISSION, AUSTRIA - JOINT MONTHLY INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY. The Committee had before them a Minute+ by the Secretary covering a Minute by the Foreign Office suggesting that, in order to lessen the burden of occupation costs at present being borne by the Austrians, the Joint Monthly Intelligence Summary produced by the Allied Commission, Austria, should be discontinued. In discussion, it was generally agreed that, whereas the discontinuation of the summary would not appear to make any significant contribution to lessening the burden of occupation costs, nevertheless, the members of the Committee did not attach sufficient value to the summary to recommend that its production should be continued. The Committee therefore endorsed the proposal to suspend preparation of that summary. THE COMMITTEE:- Invited the Foreign Office to take note of their views accordingly. + J.I.C./529/50. -2-
Collection ID
Cold War
Document Reference
CAB 159/7/37
File Reference
CAB 159/0007
Information Sharing Intelligence Channels Intelligence Distribution Allies Alliances Treaties Classified Documents Military Intelligence Secrecy Security Interrogation Hong Kong Intelligence Gathering Intelligence Requirements Occupied Austria Finances Intelligence Funding Intelligence Reports Aircraft Factories Industry Railways Diplomatic Officials Industrial Intelligence Transportation Leakage Of Information Security Clearance Personnel Defence Release Of Information Naval Strength
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings 1 (0)-60 (0)
Intelligence Organisation and Administration Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance Military Intelligence and Operations