Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Committee, Held in Conference Room "G", at the Ministry of Defence, Storey's Gate, S.W.1., on Friday, 6th January, 1950, at 10.45a.m.



Minutes of the Third Meeting of the Committee, Held in Conference Room "G", at the Ministry of Defence, Storey's Gate, S.W.1., on Friday, 6th January, 1950, at 10.45a.m.

TOP SECRET consideration might then be given to raising the priority of this task at the expense of certain other work in the Joint Intelligence Bureau. THE COMMITTEE:- Invited the Joint Intelligence Bureau to prepare a report covering a suggested timetable for the preparation of the comprehensive intelligence study required for clandestine sabotage planning purposes. 4. RUSSIAN INTERESTS, INTENTIONS SECRET AND CAPABILITIES THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE STAFF suggested that it might now be appropriate to consider revising the report+ on Russian interests, intentions and capabilities. They recalled that this report had been prepared nearly two years ago, and as it was frequently referred to as the basis for a large proportion of intelligence studies, it might be dangerous to permit continual reference being made to it in its present form. In discussion, it was generally agreed that as the re-writing of this paper was a task which would involve a considerable amount of work, it would be preferable not to undertake this unless it was considered essential. Accordingly, it was generally agreed that a review should be made of the report to determine whether a full revision was necessary or "X" desirable, or alternatively whether a short paper could be prepared for circulation to the holders of the original report indicating where it was out of date, what revisions were necessary, and which sections, if any, should be deleted. THE COMMITTEE:- Instructed the Joint Intelligence Staff to review their previous report on the lines of "X" above. + J.I.C. (48) 9 (Final). -2-
Collection ID
Cold War
Document Reference
CAB 159/7/5
File Reference
CAB 159/0007
Intelligence Reports Strategy Defence Threat Of War With The Ussr Contingency Planning Predicting Enemy Intentions British Intelligence Organisation Sabotage Military Objectives Geographic Intelligence War Preparations Manpower Military Strength Assessing Enemy Strength Soviet Foreign Policy Intelligence Requirements Intelligence Distribution Information Sharing Treaties Mobilisation Soviet-yugoslav Relations Diplomatic Disputes Invasion Threat Hong Kong Chinese Civil War Chinese Foreign Policy Colonies Empire Imperial Defence Communism Military Intelligence Intelligence Services Responsibilities
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings 1 (0)-60 (0)
Military Intelligence and Operations Foreign Policy and International Relations Intelligence Organisation and Administration