

Russian Troop Movements in South East Europe and Persia

1 Jan 1946

(b) In Azerbaijan, movements have been reported north-westwards from Tabriz. These movements may refer to troops leaving Persia via Julfa but they may equally indicate movements up to the Persian-Turkish frontier in the area of Maku. (c) Earlier reports from Azerbaijan indicated some redeployment of cavalry towards the Persian-Iraqi border. (d) On the evidence available, we do not consider that Russian troop movements portend any direct intervention in Turkey or Iraq in the immediate future. But evidence is so far lacking of any substantial withdrawals from Azerbaijan into Russia, and Russian forces in Azerbaijan could be rapidly built up from Transcaucasia in preparation for such an attack.
turkey politics iraq albania bulgaria hungary poland azerbaijan greece germany russia austria diplomacy foreign policy international relations italy manpower demobilisation romania warships yugoslavia cold war iranian politics mobilisation eastern bloc military intelligence political intelligence soviet foreign policy soviet satellite states military dispositions persia joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff threat of war with the ussr edmund rushbrooke geographic intelligence yugoslav foreign policy yugoslav armed forces soviet-occupied europe thomas haddon assessing enemy strength troop movements thomas elmhirst harold caccia soviet air force bulgarian armed forces soviet-turkish relations soviet navy naval strength romanian armed forces soviet army soviet-iranian relations
Collection ID
Cold War
Albania Austria Azerbaijan Bulgaria Germany Greece Hungary Iraq Italy Persia Poland Romania Russia Turkey Yugoslavia
Document Reference
CAB 81/132/37
Document Types
Report Memorandum Map
File Reference
CAB 81/132
Soviet Army Troop Movements Military Dispositions Soviet-occupied Europe Soviet Satellite States Soviet-iranian Relations Eastern Bloc Assessing Enemy Strength Soviet Air Force Geographic Intelligence Yugoslav Armed Forces Yugoslav Foreign Policy Iranian Politics Demobilisation Manpower Politics Political Intelligence Romanian Armed Forces Mobilisation Bulgarian Armed Forces Soviet-turkish Relations Threat Of War With The Ussr Soviet Foreign Policy Soviet Navy Warships Naval Strength Diplomacy Foreign Policy
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Intelligence Staff
Persons Discussed
Harold Caccia Thomas Elmhirst Thomas Haddon Edmund Rushbrooke
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. January - April 1946. Papers Numbers. JIC 1-40. Volume XLII
Military Intelligence International Relations

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