

Estimate of Enemy Situation Pacific-Far East Note by Secretary. (C.C.S.643/2)

1 Jan 1945

The decline of food supplies, the general dearth of textiles and other consumer good and housing all contribute somewhat to the total drain upon the Japanese war potential. 4. Military factors (Appendix "C") The Japanese Air Force has deteriorated in over-all combat efficiency during the past year. The Japanese Navy has suffered very serious losses and is no longer able to oppose Allied naval forces effectively. Japanese ground forces have increased their strength and maintained their fighting quality, in spite of heavy casualties.
thailand philippines china politics economy japan psychology germany united nations resources air power aircraft malaya ideology imperialism indochina industry shipping burma netherlands transportation propaganda oil korea fuel second world war defence equipment military operations allies casualties food supplies formosa military intelligence military supplies empire japanese government axis powers civilians morale battles military dispositions weapons production joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff home front occupied china edward king-salter military strength predicting enemy intentions geographic intelligence assessing enemy strength japanese navy pacific war troop movements japanese foreign policy japanese army japanese strategy japanese air force naval strength japanese-chinese relations soviet-japanese relations territorial concessions french indochina
Collection ID
Second World War
Burma China Formosa French Indochina Germany Indochina Japan Korea Malaya Netherlands Philippines Thailand
Document Reference
CAB 81/127/37
Document Types
Memorandum Report
File Reference
CAB 81/127
Pacific War Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions Japanese Strategy Politics Psychology Japanese Government Soviet-japanese Relations Axis Powers Morale Civilians Propaganda Economy Shipping Industry Weapons Production Aircraft Transportation Fuel Oil Military Supplies Resources Food Supplies Japanese Air Force Japanese Navy Casualties Air Power Naval Strength Troop Movements Military Dispositions Geographic Intelligence Military Operations Japanese-chinese Relations Empire Imperialism Territorial Concessions Allies Japanese Foreign Policy Ideology Defence Home Front Equipment Japanese Army Military Strength Battles Occupied China
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee United Nations
Persons Discussed
Edward King-Salter
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. January - February 1945. Papers Numbers. JIC 1-75. Volume XXXVII
Military Intelligence

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