

Italy. Collapse In: Policy in Event Of: Note by Secy. Covering J.P.(40)715(S) in which Joint Planning Staff Invite the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee to Give Their Views as Regards Certain Specific Questions and Preliminary Draft Prepared by Joint Planning Staff to Serve as a First Report to C.O.S.

1 Jul 1940

(e) Are we likely to obtain sufficient warning of coming events in Italy to make use of them to our advantage, i.e. by establishing another leader or another regime to replace Mussolini, securing a separate peace, etc? 6. What action is Germany likely to take in Italy if a general deterioration and possible collapse appears imminent:(a) Is Germany likely to force on Mussolini a greater measure of control and assistance in anticipation of an Italian collapse. If so, how and to what extent would she do this? Are German forces now being disposed for this purpose? (b) If the Italian collapse preceded the incursion of any large numbers of German forces how would this affect German action? Could Germany establish large forces in Italy, Sicily or Libya if chaos existed in Italy? (c) What action would Germany be likely to take in Albania and the Adriatic generally? 7.
turkey united kingdom politics egypt libya syria albania malta tunisia greece germany foreign policy international relations italy spain sardinia sicily second world war joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff intelligence reports abyssinia joint planning staff intelligence requirements predicting enemy intentions benito mussolini german strategy joint intelligence sub-committee duties german-italian relations collapse of fascist italy c edwards
Collection ID
Second World War
Abyssinia Albania Egypt Germany Greece Italy Libya Malta Sardinia Sicily Spain Syria Tunisia Turkey United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 81/98/198
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 81/98
Collapse Of Fascist Italy Intelligence Requirements Joint Intelligence Sub-committee Duties Intelligence Reports Politics German-italian Relations Predicting Enemy Intentions German Strategy Foreign Policy
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Planning Staff
Persons Discussed
C Edwards Benito Mussolini
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Memoranda. July - November 1940. Papers Numbers. JIC 195-394. Volume VIII
International Relations

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