

1. Visit of General Penney to Australia; 2. Co-Ordination of Photographic Reconnaissance with the United States Air Forces; 3. Terms of Reference - Joint Scientific Int. Cttee & Joint Technical Int. Cttee.; 4. Exchange of Information with Turkey; 5. Strategic Aspects of Atomic Bomb Production; 6. Proposed Meeting with the Canadian Director of Intelligence Designate; 7. Post War Organisation of Intelligence; 8. Potentialities of the Soviet Air Force; 9. Possible Dangers to the Occupying Powers During the Coming Winter; 10. Future Meetings of the Sub-Committee; 11. Meeting with the Reorganisation Committee - (India)


"X" "Y" 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE JOINT SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE AND JOINT TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them a Minute+ by the Secretary covering draft directives for the Joint Scientific Intelligence Committee and the Joint Technical Intelligence Committee which had been approved at a joint meeting of those two bodies. The approval of the Sub-Committee to these draft terms of reference was requested. During discussion certain amendments were agreed to the draft terms of reference.
india turkey united states of america germany united nations australia information sharing new zealand nuclear warfare great britain second world war empire security service weapons production joint staff mission joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office weapons technology atomic warfare john anderson british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies south-east asia command joint intelligence bureau david petrie john sinclair edmund rushbrooke occupied germany photographic reconnaissance thomas haddon assessing enemy strength thomas elmhirst harold caccia soviet air force united states army air force joint photographic reconnaissance committee
Collection ID
Second World War
Australia Germany Great Britain India New Zealand Turkey United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 81/93/83
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/93
British Intelligence Organisation Photographic Reconnaissance United States Army Air Force Information Sharing Atomic Warfare Weapons Production Soviet Air Force Assessing Enemy Strength Occupied Germany Empire
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Staff Mission Security Service South-East Asia Command United Nations Joint Photographic Reconnaissance Committee
Persons Discussed
John Anderson Harold Caccia Thomas Elmhirst John Gardiner Thomas Haddon Stewart Menzies David Petrie Edmund Rushbrooke John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1945. Numbers 1-83. Volume VII
Intelligence Organization Weapons Technology Nuclear Warfare

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