

1. Appointment of a Director of Intelligence in S.E.A.C.; 2. Targeting Section in the R.A.F. Intelligence Organisation - Policy Regarding Direction; 3. Joint Intelligence Bureau; 4. Classification of Intelligence Documents; 5. Censorship Arrangements in Netherlands East Indies; 6. The Work of the W/T Security Committee and Proposals for Its Dissolution; 7. Topographical Intelligence from Allied Authorities; 8. American Clandestine Activities in S.E.A.C.; 9. Technical Sub-Committee on Axis Oil; 10. Security of British Offices in Foreign Countries; 11. Interrogation of Three German Scientists; 12. Carrier Pigeons in War; 13. Treatment of German Rights; 14. Review of Conditions in Russian Occupied Austria


5. JOINT INTELLIGENCE BUREAU (Previous Reference: J.I.C.(45) 58th Mtg.(0) Minute 12) MR. CACCIA reported that he had had a conversation with Sir Edward Bridges on the subject of the appointment of a Director for the Joint Intelligence Bureau. The Prime Minister had approved the offer of such an appointment to a certain officer and that offer was likely to be made on the following day. Having been appointed, it was thought that the Director might study the history of the proposals for the Bureau in consultation with Mr.
security technology germany austria censorship interrogation burma netherlands propaganda psychological warfare oil second world war security service wireless communications diplomatic officials joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office edward bridges british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies communications interception joint planning staff south-east asia command joint intelligence bureau edmund rushbrooke topographical intelligence classified documents german scientists thomas haddon deputy chiefs of staff thomas elmhirst harold caccia francis de guingand british intelligence objectives sub-committee w/t security committee
Collection ID
Second World War
Austria Burma Germany Netherlands
Document Reference
CAB 81/93/82
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/93
British Intelligence Organisation Classified Documents Censorship Security Communications Interception Wireless Communications Topographical Intelligence Oil Diplomatic Officials Interrogation German Scientists Technology
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Chiefs of Staff Deputy Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Planning Staff Security Service South-East Asia Command W/T Security Committee
Persons Discussed
Edward Bridges Harold Caccia Francis De Guingand Thomas Elmhirst John Gardiner Thomas Haddon Stewart Menzies Edmund Rushbrooke
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1945. Numbers 1-83. Volume VII
Intelligence Organization Propaganda Censorship Psychological Warfare

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