

1. Visit of Chinese Military Attache in London to Zones of Occupation in Germany; 2. Distribution of J.I.C. Papers; 3. Security of Deception; 4. Measure of Censorship Control Following Removal of War Time Censorship; 5. Future of the C.I.O.S.; 6. Field Information Agency - SHAEF; 7. C.I.O.S. Personnel; 8. Intelligence Responsibilities of P.W.E.; 9. News Digest; 10. The Factual Report on the German War Effort; 11. Political Intelligence Report; 12. The Japanese Attitude to Unconditional Surrender


desire of the Press to publish articles on this subject; otherwise the Press might start to publish deception stories without submitting them to the Censors. It was pointed out in discussion that since the releases concerned events before the United States entered the war it was unnecessary to consult the Americans on this subject. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:(i) Agreed to the publication of submitted stories concerning the use of tactical deception equipment and devices employed by the British for the defence of the United Kingdom during the years 1940 and 1941, subject to those exceptions mentioned in para.
united kingdom japan news united states of america germany rewards censorship propaganda psychological warfare second world war deception security service political intelligence attachés joint staff mission joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence reports intelligence distribution joint intelligence bureau victor cavendish-bentinck inter-services cooperation combined intelligence objectives sub-committee john sinclair francis inglis political warfare surrender pacific war patrick dean
Collection ID
Second World War
Germany Japan United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 81/93/45
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/93
Attachés Intelligence Distribution Deception Censorship British Intelligence Organisation Inter-services Cooperation Political Warfare News Intelligence Reports Political Intelligence Surrender Pacific War Rewards
Chiefs of Staff Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Intelligence Staff Joint Staff Mission Security Service
Persons Discussed
Victor Cavendish-Bentinck Patrick Dean Francis Inglis Stewart Menzies John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1945. Numbers 1-83. Volume VII
Intelligence Organization Propaganda Censorship Psychological Warfare

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