

1. British Representation on Joint Target Group; 2. Economic Conditions in Conquered Germany; 3. Japanese Manpower; 4. Reclassification of Operational Code Words; 5. Use of Air Photography in Europe for Survey and Intelligence After the War; 6. Co-Ordination of Photographic Reconnaissance with the U.S. Air Force; 7. Formation of A.C.S.D.I.C. of the Western European Area; 8. Air Ministry Representation on the I.S.(0); 9. Disposition of the German Forces After the Junction of the Russian & Allied Armies; 10. Ability of the Enemy to Continue the Use of 'V'-Weapons; 11. Enemy Capacity to Continue the War; 12. Scientific Representation at S.H.A.E.F.; 13. French Request for Specimens of the Flying Bomb and the Rocket; 14. An Analysis of the Nature of Germany's Final Collapse; 15. Visit of the D.N.I. to the Far Eastern Theatre


2. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN CONQUERED GERMANY THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them a minute by the Secretary (J.I.C./565/45 dated 28th April, 1945), covering a minute by Mr. Vickers drawing attention to the present position regarding the obtaining of intelligence about current conditions in conquered Germany. MR. VICKERS said that the formal responsibility for economic intelligence about Germany after conquest passed from the Ministry of Economic Warfare, and he was by no means clear on what Department, if any, it devolved.
turkey france belgium japan luxembourg ethiopia united states of america greece germany australia information sharing italy manpower burma norway nuclear warfare romania spain economic intelligence second world war military intelligence security service intelligence gathering dwight eisenhower joint staff mission joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office weapons technology british intelligence organisation intelligence organization ministry of economic warfare intelligence section (operations) supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force john sinclair edmund rushbrooke geoffrey vickers occupied germany edward king-salter secret weapons photographic reconnaissance code words inter-services security board assessing enemy strength military situation reports inter-services topographical department deputy chiefs of staff collapse of nazi germany
Collection ID
Second World War
Australia Belgium Burma Ethiopia France Germany Greece Italy Japan Luxembourg Norway Romania Spain Turkey United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 81/93/31
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/93
British Intelligence Organisation Economic Intelligence Occupied Germany Assessing Enemy Strength Manpower Code Words Photographic Reconnaissance Intelligence Gathering Military Situation Reports Secret Weapons Information Sharing Military Intelligence Collapse Of Nazi Germany
Chiefs of Staff Deputy Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Intelligence Section (Operations) Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Intelligence Staff Joint Staff Mission Ministry of Economic Warfare Security Service Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force Inter-Services Topographical Department Inter-Services Security Board
Persons Discussed
Dwight Eisenhower Edward King-Salter Edmund Rushbrooke John Sinclair Geoffrey Vickers
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1945. Numbers 1-83. Volume VII
Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence Weapons Technology Nuclear Warfare

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