

1. Capture of Enemy Scientists; 2. British Representation on the Joint Target Group in Washington; 3. Enemy Aliens Brought to the U.K. in Connection with C.I.O.S. Operations; 4. Line of Demarcation Between the Anglo-American and Soviet Operations; 5. Crossbow; 6. General Review of German Military Situation on S.E. and S. Fronts, and Estimate of Probable Development of Events; 7. Capacity and Will of Germans to Resist in North German Ports, Denmark and Norway, After Allies Have Linked up with Russians; 8. Political Intelligence Report on Germany, France and Low Countries; 9. Scale of Attack by German Air Force in West; 10. Security Problems Facing Allies in Germany; 11. The National Redoubt; 12. Soviet Strength; 13. Intelligence Organisation


the reception centre in connection with the work of C.I.O.S., the guarding they required would be largely nominal. Camp 0.1. was shortly being moved from Chelsea to Wimbledon, and there would be accommodation available in the vicinity of the main camp for these aliens. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:(i) Invited the War Office to make the necessary arrangements for the accommodation near Camp 0.1 of enemy aliens, up to about 25 at one time, brought to this country in connection with C.I.O.S. operations. (ii) Invited the Security Service to make the necessary arrangements with the Commandant of Camp 0.1 for the administration and guarding of the aliens.
security france japan germany denmark aliens norway surveillance second world war military intelligence adolf hitler security service political intelligence dwight eisenhower joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office scientific experts british intelligence organisation intelligence organization victor cavendish-bentinck supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force denis capel-dunn combined intelligence objectives sub-committee john sinclair geoffrey vickers occupied germany edward king-salter secret weapons occupation arrangements assessing enemy strength military situation reports joint intelligence committee (allied force)
Collection ID
Second World War
Denmark France Germany Japan Norway
Document Reference
CAB 81/93/29
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/93
Scientific Experts British Intelligence Organisation Aliens Security Occupation Arrangements Occupied Germany Secret Weapons Assessing Enemy Strength Political Intelligence Military Situation Reports
Chiefs of Staff Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Intelligence Committee (Allied Force) Joint Intelligence Staff Security Service Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
Persons Discussed
Denis Capel-Dunn Victor Cavendish-Bentinck Dwight Eisenhower Adolf Hitler Edward King-Salter John Sinclair Geoffrey Vickers
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1945. Numbers 1-83. Volume VII
Surveillance Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence

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