Minutes of the sixty-second Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 7th December, 1943 at 10.15 am



Minutes of the sixty-second Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 7th December, 1943 at 10.15 am

THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- (i) Agreed to the proposal made by the Director of Military Intelligence: (ii) Invited the Air Ministry to consider what additional photographic interpretation personnel would be required by A.F.H.Q. if they undertook this new commitment. 3. COLLECTION OF TOPOGRAPHICAL INTELLIGENCE IN OCCUPIED AREAS. THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them a Minute by the Director of Naval Intelligence, P.126 dated 3rd December, 1943, covering correspondence on the above subject, including a letter dated 9th November, 1943, from Brigadier K.W.D. Strong, A.F.H.Q. In the Minute by the Director of Naval Intelligence it was recommended that a Sub-Committee should be set up to advise on the machinery required. COLONEL SANDERSON handed round a report on this subject, which he had prepared, entitled "Check Reconnaissance of Occupied Countries" and dated 3rd December 1943. He agreed that although in principle the work should be done by the occupying forces, in practice it would not be possible to get it efficiently carried out by this means. He suggested that the best solution was to send out expert personnel. The U.S. Joint Intelligence Collecting Agency (J.I.C.A.) in North Africa were prepared to co-operate fully. It was, however, essential to economise effort by deciding in advance what portions of the I.S.I.S. books needed correction with a view to possible future requirements. It was agreed that it was important to carry out this check reconnaissance while the opportunity offered. It would be advisable to link up the work with the checking of the American J.A.N.I.S. books. The proposals of the Director of Naval Intelligence referred to all present and future occupied areas. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Agreed that the proposals of the Director of Naval Intelligence and Colonel Sanderson should be referred to a special Sub- Committee, as recommended by the Director of Naval Intelligence. This Sub- Committee, under the chairmanship of one of the Deputy Directors of Intelligence, should include representatives of I.S.T.D., I.S.(0), A.D.I.(Ph.) and M.E.W., and the Secretary of the Topographical Sub-Committee. -2-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/64
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Intelligence Gathering Aerial Reconnaissance Topographical Intelligence Missiles Secret Weapons Neutrality Information Sharing Cyphers Chemical Warfare Secret Photographic Reconnaissance Post-war Planning
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance Intelligence Organisation and Administration Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare