Minutes of the forty-sixth Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 14th September, 1943, at 10.15 am



Minutes of the forty-sixth Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 14th September, 1943, at 10.15 am

After discussion, in which the question was raised as to whether the present time was opportune, THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Agreed that a copy of the report should be sent by air to Brigadier Strong, with a letter asking him if he agreed to the proposed visit and, if so, for his view as to when it should take place. 3. BASIC ECONOMIC AND OTHER HANDBOOK. (Previous Reference, J.I.C.(43) 45th Meeting (0). Item 8). THE CHAIRMAN informed the Sub-Committee that he had gone into the matter of Basic Handbooks for the Far East. If it were agreed that these books were required for the Far East, he thought that the political sections could best be undertaken by the Far Eastern Sub-Committee of the overseas Planning Committee of the Ministry of Information; while M.E.W. should, as in the case of the European Handbooks, produce the economic sections. He suggested that a meeting should be held in the first instance between M.E.W. and M.O.I. to discuss the best means of undertaking the task. After this meeting it would be advisable to get further information as to what was the American programme for the production of similar Handbooks, and to come to some arrangement to avoid overlapping and duplication. Finally, he suggested that a meeting should be held of potential users of the Books to decide what material should be included, and to prepare schedules. COLONEL VICKERS said that the production of these Books would also have to be linked up with the work being undertaken by the Burma and Colonial Offices. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Agreed that Basic Handbooks for the Far East were required and invited the Chairman to take action as at 'X' above. 4. INTELLIGENCE FOR PLANNING. THE SUB-COMMITTEE referred to J.P.(43) 320(Final) dated 13th September, 1943, which had been issued by the Directors of Plans, giving the areas in order of priority on which Intelligence was required. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Instructed the Intelligence Section (Operations) and the Inter- Services Topographical Department to proceed with the collection and issue of Intelligence as laid down in the above list. -2-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/48
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Security Railways Sabotage British Intelligence Organisation Economic Intelligence Publications Operations Planning Personnel Topographical Intelligence
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Intelligence Organisation and Administration