German Long Range Rocket (Previous Reference: J.I.C. (43) 36th meeting (0). Item 6)



German Long Range Rocket (Previous Reference: J.I.C. (43) 36th meeting (0). Item 6)

With regard to the so-called J.I.C. papers, it was pointed out that a large number of these would merely be Terms of Reference, or reports from Washington circulated here. There were also other reports which did not concern the J.I.C. in Washington. There had, however, been a certain amount of delay recently in the despatch of a batch of J.I.C. papers to Washington. These papers should have arrived before now. All important papers affecting Washington had, however, been sent at once. There was discussion about the activities of J.I.C.(A) in North Africa and Middle East, and it was considered advisable, without waiting for General Strong's and Admiral Train's representations to our J.I.C. in Washington, to obtain information about J.I.C.(A) in North Africa and possibly Middle East. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Invited the Director of Military Intelligence to write to Brigadier Strong, and possibly to Brigadier Hume, asking for their views on the subject of J.I.C.(A). 8. SECURITY OF MANSFIELD COLLEGE. BRIGADIER SIR STEWART MENZIES stated that hitherto the night fire-watching duties at Mansfield College had been carried out by an N.C.O. and five soldiers who were permanently appointed for this task. In accordance with new regulations, however, Southern Command had given instructions that these duties were to be carried out by the Home Guard, and the War Office had confirmed these instructions. The new orders would mean, however, that the duties were carried out by men who were constantly changing and who could not be expected to be thoroughly familiar with what they had to do. In the event of a fire, therefore, highly important and Secret documents might fall into wrong hands. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Recorded that they viewed the proposed change with grave concern. Offices of the War Cabinet, S.W.1, 17TH AUGUST, 1943. -3-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/44
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Missiles Effects Of Bombing Technology Intelligence Gathering Predicting Enemy Intentions Foreign Policy Intelligence Distribution British Intelligence Organisation Secret Weapons
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare Foreign Policy and International Relations Intelligence Organisation and Administration