Minutes of the thirty-seventh meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 20th July at 10.15 am



Minutes of the thirty-seventh meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 20th July at 10.15 am

(ii) Requested the Secretary of the above meeting to amend the minutes, para 2(e), to read as follows:- "Information required from M.E.W. for P.I.C.M.E. will in future be obtained through I.S.(0) and not direct from M.E.W. by its representative in the Middle East." (iii) Instructed the Secretary to telegraph the amended proposals for the approval of the Joint Intelligence Commitee, Middle East. 3. BASIC ECONOMIC AND OTHER HANDBOOKS THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before then a Minute by the Secretary (J.I.C./1035/43, dated 15th July, 1943) covering a Minute by Colonel Vickers; also J.I.C./1058/43, covering a Minute by the Director of Naval Intelligence. COLONEL VICKERS stated that Basic Economic Handbooks were being prepared by the Ministry of Economic Warfare on most of the countries of the Far East, and that it was necessary to consider arrangements for producing the political part of these handbooks as P.W.E. is not responsible for the Far East. LT.-COMMANDER SHAWCROSS said that there was duplication of work in the research and production of factual and topographical intelligence as between the Inter-Service Topographical Department, N.I.D.5 and the P.W.E. Handbooks Section. COLONEL VICKERS stated that the question of what material should so into different handbooks had all been discussed and decided upon some time ago. It was pointed out that a meeting had been held on 5th April, 1943, under the Chairmanship of Lt.-Colonel Sanderson and attended by Brigadier Sachs (Political Warfare Executive) and Colonel Bassett (Inter-Service Topographical Department), with the object of discussing the division of work as between I.S.T.D. and P.W.E. in order to avoid duplication in I.S.I.S. books and P.W.E. handbooks. LT.-COMMANDER SHAWCROSS said that it was most desirable that the Sub-Committee should reconsider the decision that information required by Brigadier Lee, D.C.C.A.O., regarding fire defence of certain European towns should not be provided by I.S.T.D., as otherwise a separate organisation for the collection of this information would have to be set up, which would be uneconomical. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- (i) Instructed the Chairman, I.S.(0), to call a meeting to examine the points raised in the Minute by the Director of Naval Intelligence, and to invite the Superintendent, I.S.T.D. and the Secretary of the Topographical Sub- committee to attend this meeting; and to submit the conclusions of the meeting to the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (Deputy Directors). -2-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/39
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Personnel Interrogation Intelligence Requirements Economic Intelligence Intelligence Distribution Security Leakage Of Information American Intelligence Services Censorship
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Intelligence Organisation and Administration Propaganda, Censorship and Psychological Warfare Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance