Minutes of the thirty-sixth Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 13th July at 10.15 am



Minutes of the thirty-sixth Meeting of the sub-committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.1. on Tuesday, 13th July at 10.15 am

3. CENSORSHIP THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them a minute by the Secretary, J.I.C,/1006/43, dated the 10th July, 1943, covering Telegram J.S.M. 1048 dated the 8th July for War Cabinet Offices, London, from J.S.M., Washington, on the subject of U.S. and British responsibility for establishment and operation of censorship of civilian communications in European captured territory. SIR EDWIN HERBERT stated that he hoped the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee would support the proposals contained in the telegram. It was very satisfactory that the Americans had adopted the same line as ourselves. He had prepared a short written memorandum on the subject, which he would send to the Secretary after the meeting.* THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Agreed with the proposals in the telegram. 4. FACILITIES FOR COLLECTING INTELLIGENCE IN THE FAR EAST. (Previous Reference: J.I.C. (43) 33rd Meeting(0), Item 4). THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them minutes by the Secretary, J.I.C./1003/43, dated the 9th July, 1943, covering a letter from the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Intelligence) and a report of the meeting called by him in accordance with J.I.C. (43) 31st Meeting (0), Item 3; J.I.C./1012/43 dated the 11th July, 1943, containing the Director of Military Intelligence's views on the need for beach reconnaissance and J.I.C./1002/43 dated the 10th July, 1943, covering a report by the Intelligence Section (Operations) on a minute by the Future Planning Section (reference F.P.S./43/M72) dated the 29th June, 1943. Reference was made to the lack of intelligence required by the Future Planning Section indicated in the I.S.(0) report referred to above. THE DIRECTOR OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE proposed two amendments to the draft telegram contained in the report Put forward by the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Intelligence). One of these was to add a paragraph on the subject of naval irregular transport. THE DIRECTOR OF MILITARY INTELLIGENCE proposed to add a statement in the telegram that photographic reconnaissance requirements were being dealt with separately. THE SUB-COMMITTEE:- Agreed to the despatch of the draft telegram * Annexed to these Minutes. -3-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/38
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Attachés British Intelligence Organisation Censorship Intelligence Gathering Intelligence Requirements Missiles Manpower Assessing Enemy Strength Secret Weapons
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Intelligence Organisation and Administration Propaganda, Censorship and Psychological Warfare Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare