Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Sub-Committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.I., on Tuesday. 5th January. 1943, at 10.15 a.m.



Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Sub-Committee, held in the Secretary's Room, Great George Street, S.W.I., on Tuesday. 5th January. 1943, at 10.15 a.m.

THE SUB-COMMITTEE - Took note that the Chairman would investigate the possibility of preparing a single contribution on such questions for inclusion in intelligence summaries of the War Office and Air Ministry, and would report the result of his investigation to the Sub-Committee at their next meeting. 3. LIMITS OF ITALIAN STRATEGY AND POLICY (Previous Reference: J.I.C.(42) 62nd Meeting. Item 5) THE SUB-COMMITTEE were reminded that they had agreed, at their (42) 62nd Meeting held on the 23rd December, 1942, to reconsider in a fortnight's time the question of the degree to which Italy had a policy and strategy of her own and, within those limits, what her policy and strategy were likely to be. In discussion it appeared that there was still a lack of evidence pointing to any independent strategy or policy on the part of Italy. THE SUB-COMMITTEE - (i) Invited the Departments represented on the Sub- Committee to continue to keep a watch for intelligence that might throw any light on this question. (ii) Instructed the Joint Intelligence Staff to bear this question in mind and to be prepared to draft a report on the subject when sufficient evidence came to hand. 4. WESTERN DESERT REVIEW THE SUB-COMMITTEE had before them a minute No. P.961 dated the 4th January, 1943, by the Director of Naval Intelligence, which had been circulated personally to the members of the Sub- Committee. In this minute the Director of Naval Intelligence had drawn attention to the fact that the Western Desert Review for the week ending 30th December which had been telegraphed* to the War Office, and recirculated to the Admiralty Air Ministry and 'C' contained information which looked as if it came from special intelligence sources. Considerable difficulties were being caused regarding distribution and handling of this type of signal within the Admiralty, since some paragraphs were the concern of the Admiralty Press Division, whereas others received only the most limited circulation. BRIGADIER KIRKMAN said that it would not be possible to ask Middle East to exclude some types of Most Secret intelligence, although they were forbidden to include intelligence from special sources. It might be advisable, however, to ask Middle East to split the Review into two parts; the second part to be given a limited distribution only. * Telegram No. 1630Z/31 from C.-in-C. Middle East to the War Office. -2-
Collection ID
Second World War
Document Reference
CAB 81/91/4
File Reference
CAB 81/91
Communications Partisans Political Intelligence Axis Strategy Military Situation Reports Attachés Anti-nazi Resistance
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee: Minutes (JIC Series).
Intelligence Organisation and Administration Intelligence Operations