

1. Assembly and Training Areas for Overseas Expeditions; 2. Axis Planning Section; 3. Scale of Attack by German Air-Borne Troops Against the British Isles; 4. Future Strategy of Japan; 5. Information to be Passed to Service Attaches of French Diplomatic Missions; 6. Press Publications Affecting Allied Strategy; 7. Japan - Supplies of Aviation Spirit; 8. Review of the Present Situation; 9. Propaganda; 10. Attendance of Members of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Ctte. At Meetings of the C.O.S


THE SUB-COMMITTEE agreed:(i) to invite the War Office, with the concurrence of the Scottish Office, to declare the area round Inverary a Controlled Area (under Defence Regulations 14 (1)(b)) in accordance with Brigadier Allen's suggestion at (c) above, and that the local authorities should be instructed to use their powers only with regard to the Inverary training area; (ii) to invite the Director of Combined Operations to approach the Scottish Office with a view to their agreeing to the proposal at (i) above; (iii) in the event of the Scottish Office not agreeing to (i) above, to invite the War Office with the concurrence of the Scottish Office, to declare Inverary a Protected Area.
singapore turkey france japan iraq syria portugal training united states of america censorship diplomacy propaganda psychological warfare spain scotland second world war military supplies security service joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence operations ministry of economic warfare joint planning staff victor cavendish-bentinck intelligence requirements geoffrey vickers operations planning press reports anglo-french relations inter-services security board francis davidson vichy france joint intelligence sub-committee duties military situation reports axis planning section allied strategy threat of war with japan aerial attacks phillipe pétain stephen shoosmith
Collection ID
Second World War
France Iraq Japan Portugal Scotland Singapore Spain Syria Turkey United States of America Vichy France
Document Reference
CAB 81/88/18
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 81/88
Training Intelligence Requirements Operations Planning Aerial Attacks Threat Of War With Japan Diplomacy Anglo-french Relations Press Reports Allied Strategy Military Supplies Military Situation Reports Propaganda Joint Intelligence Sub-committee Duties
Axis Planning Section Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Planning Staff Ministry of Economic Warfare Security Service Inter-Services Security Board
Persons Discussed
Victor Cavendish-Bentinck Francis Davidson Stewart Menzies Phillipe Pétain Stephen Shoosmith Geoffrey Vickers
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. December 1940 - December 1941. Numbers (40) 71-75 & (41) 1-40. Volume III
Intelligence Operations Intelligence Organization Propaganda Censorship Psychological Warfare

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