

Far East Appreciation. Draft Prepared by the Joint Planning Sub-Committee

1 Jun 1936

298 3 FAR EASTERN APPRECIATION, 1937. PART I.—INTRODUCTION. Assumptions. IN Paper No. C.O.S. 459 (J.P.) the Chiefs of Staff approved of our proposal to prepare an appreciation of the situation in the Far East as it would stand to-day in the event of war against Japan, assuming that we would not simultaneously be embarrassed by hostilities against a European Power. 2. Even if the recently-announced agreement between Japan and Germany as to their joint attitude to Bolshevism is left out of account, the problem of war against Japan can never be independent of the political situation in Europe and the rest of the world.
philippines singapore india china mongolia afghanistan security trade panama south africa jamaica united kingdom politics climate france economy japan egypt iraq falkland islands malta brunei portugal united states of america hong kong canada germany russia armaments australia colonies communications malaya finances imports indochina international relations shipping military bases burma naval warfare netherlands neutrality new zealand transportation propaganda siam great britain korea suez canal second world war british army royal navy invasion food supplies formosa military intelligence empire secrecy poison gas intelligence gathering coastal defence sabotage trinidad joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff imperial defence public morale leslie hollis committee of imperial defence occupied china war materials dutch east indies invasion threat geographic intelligence assessing enemy strength japanese navy pacific war amphibious operations anti-aircraft defence threat of war with japan japanese army surprise attacks combined operations sino-japanese war japanese strategy japanese air force colonial troops aerial attacks aerial attacks on ships naval bombardment landing places federated malay states
Collection ID
Second World War
Afghanistan Australia Brunei Burma Canada China Dutch East Indies Egypt Falkland Islands Federated Malay States Formosa France Germany Great Britain India Indochina Iraq Jamaica Japan Korea Malaya Malta Mongolia Netherlands New Zealand Panama Philippines Portugal Russia Siam Singapore South Africa Trinidad United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 56/2/30
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 56/2
Pacific War Empire Imperial Defence Neutrality Occupied China Threat Of War With Japan Sino-japanese War Communications Colonies Shipping Trade Economy Imports Food Supplies War Materials Armaments Finances Assessing Enemy Strength Japanese Army Japanese Air Force Japanese Navy Military Bases Naval Warfare Aerial Attacks Poison Gas Secrecy Intelligence Gathering Transportation Hong Kong Japanese Strategy Public Morale Invasion Invasion Threat Sabotage Aerial Attacks On Ships Security Royal Navy Suez Canal Propaganda Landing Places Climate Geographic Intelligence Amphibious Operations Combined Operations Surprise Attacks Naval Bombardment British Army Anti-aircraft Defence Coastal Defence Politics Colonial Troops
Committee of Imperial Defence Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Leslie Hollis
Published in
United Kingdom
Committee of Imperial Defence, Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Memoranda. June 1936 - May 1937. Papers Numbers JIC 1-35. Volume I
Military Intelligence International Relations

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