

1. The Establishment of a Joint Intelligence Centre in the Middle East; 2. Supply of Maps of France to the Field Force and Royal Air Force; 3. Report No.5. - Active Air Defence and Passive Air Defence in the Field

1 Jul 1936

The Sub-Committee examined the draft Charter for the Combined Middle East Intelligence Centre, attached as Annex I to Paper No. J.I.C. 106. This draft Charter was examined paragraph by paragraph. Some discussion took place on the question of the control of the proposed Intelligence Centre in the Middle East. BRIGADIER BEAUMONT-NESBITT said that there might be some criticism of placing the Centre under the direction and control of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee in Whitehall. On the other hand, he felt that if the Centre were placed under the control of the Commanders in the Middle East its view would become localised and it would never become the outpost of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee in Whitehall which it was so desirable that it should be.
india france belgium mapping air warfare information sharing netherlands propaganda surveillance second world war arab world military intelligence empire security service intelligence gathering joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies frederick beaumont-nesbitt intelligence services responsibilities italian east africa leslie hollis committee of imperial defence victor cavendish-bentinck inter-services cooperation desmond morton industrial intelligence centre deputy chiefs of staff anti-aircraft defence middle east intelligence centre arthur cornwall-jones active air defence and passive air defence in the field
Collection ID
Second World War
Belgium France India Italian East Africa Netherlands
Document Reference
CAB 56/1/30
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 56/1
Arab World Inter-services Cooperation British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Services Responsibilities Information Sharing Intelligence Gathering Propaganda Air Warfare Mapping Anti-aircraft Defence Empire
Committee of Imperial Defence Chiefs of Staff Deputy Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Industrial Intelligence Centre Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Middle East Intelligence Centre Security Service Active Air Defence and Passive Air Defence in the Field
Persons Discussed
Frederick Beaumont-Nesbitt Victor Cavendish-Bentinck Arthur Cornwall-Jones Leslie Hollis Stewart Menzies Desmond Morton
Published in
United Kingdom
Committee of Imperial Defence, Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Meetings, July 1936 - August 1939
Intelligence Organization Surveillance Military Intelligence

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