

Review of Intelligence Organisation in Germany

1 Jul 1948

A volume of secretariat minutes of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain's intelligence organisations accordingly. Secretariat minutes were used to pass documents such as JIC sub-committee and working party reports and intelligence assessments to JIC members. Subjects covered in this file include evidence of Soviet contravention of the Potsdam Agreement; Yugoslavia's dispute with the Cominform; the security value of scrambling telephone communications in the United Kingdom; the censorship of British publications; Czechoslovakian provision of fighter aircraft to Israel; the meaning and application of security classifications; photographic survey requirements in the Middle East; proposals to establish a censorship ring around the Soviet Union; contingency plans for the evacuation of embassy staff; and the potential scale of air attacks on the U.K. in the event of war with the Soviet Union.
security united kingdom technology germany russia austria communications interrogation recruitment scientific research ussr soviet union economic intelligence cold war england personnel liaison intelligence gathering ministry of defence william hayter joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee foreign office scientific experts british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence distribution scientific and technical intelligence branch joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe intelligence priorities occupied germany dick white paul gleadell industrial intelligence german scientists inter-services security board
Collection ID
Cold War
Austria England Germany Russia Soviet Union United Kingdom USSR
Document Reference
CAB 176/19/3
Document Types
Memorandum Correspondence Report
File Reference
CAB 176/19
British Intelligence Organisation Occupied Germany Intelligence Services Responsibilities Intelligence Channels Liaison Security Intelligence Gathering Scientific Research Technology Intelligence Priorities Interrogation Personnel Intelligence Distribution German Scientists Scientific Experts Recruitment Economic Intelligence Industrial Intelligence Communications
Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Scientific and Technical Intelligence Branch Inter-Services Security Board Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Paul Gleadell William Hayter Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe Dick White
Published in
United Kingdom
War Cabinet, Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee, later Committee: Secretariat: Minutes (JIC(SEC)). Secretariat Minutes (1948) 1223-1897
Intelligence Organization

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