

1. Financial Control of the B.B.C. Monitoring Service; 2. British Officer Holding an Integrated Appointment in the Central Intelligence Agency; 3. Middle East Interim Organisation for Joint Intelligence on Mobilisation; 4. Use of Soviet Nationals Against the Soviet Union in the Event of War

1 Jul 1953

CONFIDENTIAL Grant-in-Aid covering this Service, and had recommended that the value of the B.B.C. Monitoring Service should receive particular attention. She had, therefore, met the J.I.C. Sub-Committee in an attempt to make economies in the monitoring Service; to discover, as a means to this end, who were the main customers, and what value they obtained from the Service in terms of cash, which was the only really effective way of assessing one item of Government expenditure against another. Unfortunately, she had never managed to gain a proper insight into the use to which the products of the monitoring Service were put by Departments, and all she had managed to achieve had been the insignificant economy of £3,000 per annum.
united kingdom united states of america germany finances propaganda recruitment soviet union cold war arab world personnel contingency planning mobilisation military intelligence defectors security service secret intelligence service central intelligence agency intelligence gathering broadcast services ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations anglo-american relations british intelligence organisation intelligence funding intelligence organization intelligence channels intelligence operations intelligence services responsibilities intelligence reports joint intelligence bureau threat of war with the ussr joint intelligence committee (middle east) american intelligence services inter-services cooperation john sinclair intelligence requirements operations planning eric jones classified documents joint intelligence sub-committee duties british joint services mission intelligence mobilisation plans eric searight
Collection ID
Cold War
Germany Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 159/14/51
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/14
Finances Intelligence Funding Intelligence Services Responsibilities British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Channels Intelligence Gathering Broadcast Services Personnel American Intelligence Services Anglo-american Relations Classified Documents Arab World Joint Intelligence Sub-committee Duties Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Mobilisation War Preparations Threat Of War With The Ussr Contingency Planning Inter-services Cooperation Operations Planning Military Intelligence Recruitment Propaganda Defectors
British Joint Services Mission Central Intelligence Agency Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Middle East) Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Intelligence Mobilisation Plans Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Eric Jones Eric Searight John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 71-133
Intelligence Organization Intelligence Operations

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