

1. Exchange of Intelligence with Siam; 2. Military Action to End the Korean War; 3. Sino Soviet Intentions in the Far East in the Event of General War 1953-56

1 Jan 1953

SECRET In discussion THE COMMITTEE supported the proposals in the Foreign Office letter. They agreed to recommend to the Chiefs of Staff that the security ceiling for military intelligence exchanges needed clarification, having first obtained the views of the Deputy Directors (Security) on this point. They also agreed that the War Office could not reply to the signal from FARELF until the views of the Chiefs of Staff on this subject were known. THE COMMITTEE:(1) Invited the Deputy Directors (Security) to consider the security ceiling for the exchange of military intelligence with the Siamese at their meeting to be held on Friday, 3rd July, 1953.
china security united nations colonies foreign policy information sharing international relations siam korea cold war contingency planning military operations military intelligence empire secrecy ministry of defence joint staff mission joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office imperial defence intelligence organization intelligence channels intelligence reports intelligence distribution joint intelligence bureau threat of war with the ussr john sinclair intelligence requirements eric jones military strength predicting enemy intentions classified documents assessing enemy strength military situation reports joint intelligence committee (far east) military objectives soviet-chinese relations
Collection ID
Cold War
China Korea Siam
Document Reference
CAB 159/13/69
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/13
Information Sharing Intelligence Channels Security Secrecy Intelligence Reports Foreign Policy Classified Documents Military Operations Military Situation Reports Military Intelligence Soviet-chinese Relations Predicting Enemy Intentions Assessing Enemy Strength Contingency Planning Threat Of War With The Ussr Intelligence Requirements Military Strength Military Objectives Colonies Empire Imperial Defence Intelligence Distribution
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Staff Mission Ministry of Defence United Nations Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Eric Jones John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-70
Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence International Relations

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