

1. Export of Axial Flow Jet Engines; 2. Preparatroy Talks for Meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the U.K., Australia and New Zealand; 3. Operational Planning Cs.-in-C. (Germany) 1955-6; 4. Mobilisation Accommodation for Intelligence Agencies; 5. Brigadier R.F. Johnstone; 6. Cryptographic Terminology

1 Jan 1953

SECRET aircraft, then it did not matter if the Russians derived benefit from the equipment exported by us. He felt that th### was the crux of the matter and the point which should be emphasised to the E.M.I.P.C. The note covering the Committee's final report to the E.M.I.P.C. should contain a reference to this point, which should also be brought to the attention of the J.I.C. members of the E.M.I.P.C. MR. KING asked whether the last sentence in paragraph 4 of the report+ was consistent with the view expressed by the Security Serviceø on the points raised by the Chairman of the E.M.I.P.
security trade technology germany air power aircraft australia communications conferences diplomacy foreign policy information sharing new zealand nuclear warfare scientific research cold war contingency planning mobilisation equipment weapons development military intelligence royal air force military supplies security service secret intelligence service secrecy ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office former colonies war preparations weapons technology british intelligence organisation intelligence organization intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities naval intelligence division joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe guy liddell john sinclair cyphers operations planning geographic intelligence eric searight soviet air force
Collection ID
Cold War
Australia Germany New Zealand
Document Reference
CAB 159/13/35
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/13
Trade Weapons Development Equipment Aircraft Air Power Secrecy Security Military Supplies Scientific Research Technology Military Intelligence Royal Air Force Soviet Air Force Conferences Former Colonies Information Sharing Diplomacy Foreign Policy Intelligence Channels Operations Planning Mobilisation British Intelligence Organisation War Preparations Contingency Planning Geographic Intelligence Intelligence Services Responsibilities Cyphers Communications
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Naval Intelligence Division Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Guy Liddell Eric Searight Percy Sillitoe John Sinclair
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-70
Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence Weapons Technology Nuclear Warfare

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