

1. Employment of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Event of General War in 1952-55; 2. Measures to Improve Intelligence; 3. Communist Ethics; 4. Situation in Spain; 5. Review of the Situation Round the Soviet and Satellite Perimeter and Other Sensitive Areas; 6. Possible Soviet Cold War Strategy 52-54; 7. Military Courses of Action and their Implications in the Event of Further Chinese Aggression; 8. Situation in Persia; 9. Communist Intentions in Korea.

1 Jul 1952

CONFIDENTIAL 3. COMMUNIST ETHICS (Previous reference: J.I.C. (52) 18th Meeting, Minute 6 of 7th February, 1952). BRIGADIER JOHNSTONE asked whether the Chairman had anything to report as a result of his approach to Chatham House with a view to that organisation assisting in the preparation of a report on communist ethics. MR. REILLY said that he had visited Chatham House and while the Royal Institute of International Affairs would be pleased to help in any way possible, they had not the resources without further financial assistance, to prepare studies on the lines required.
nepal china turkey united kingdom iran egypt sudan jordan germany communism indochina norway south korea spain soviet union korea cold war iranian politics contingency planning east germany military intelligence chinese foreign policy security service secret intelligence service border controls persia ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office british intelligence organisation intelligence organization joint planning staff joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe patrick reilly john sinclair intelligence requirements kenneth strong egyptian government predicting enemy intentions assessing enemy strength francis fressanges soviet strategy predicting enemy reactions
Collection ID
Cold War
China East Germany Egypt Germany Indochina Iran Jordan Korea Nepal Norway Persia South Korea Soviet Union Spain Sudan Turkey United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/12/20
Document Types
Summary Report
File Reference
CAB 159/12
Intelligence Requirements Assessing Enemy Strength British Intelligence Organisation Communism Predicting Enemy Intentions Soviet Strategy Predicting Enemy Reactions Contingency Planning Chinese Foreign Policy Iranian Politics Border Controls Egyptian Government
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Staff Joint Planning Staff Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Francis Fressanges John Gardiner Patrick Reilly Percy Sillitoe John Sinclair Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 71-143
Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence

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