

1. Development of a German Federal External Intelligence Service; 2. Exchange of Intelligence with the Turks; 3. The Potential Air Threat to United Nations Forces in Korea; 4. The Soviet Threat to Greece-J.I.C.(M.E.)(51) 16(F); 5. An Examination of the Techniques Which Have Been Used by the U.S.S.R. to Gain Control Countries Without the Use of Soviet Armed Forces

1 Jan 1951

TOP SECRET 2. EXCHANGE OF INTELLIGENCE WITH THE TURKS. (Previous reference: J.I.C.(51)49th Meeting, Minute 2, of 9th May, 1951). MR. ROSS recalled that the Committee had previously invited the Foreign Office to consult H.M. Ambassador, Ankara, on the possibility of a general exchange of intelligence with the Turks. The opportunity had been taken of the recent visit of Sir Noel Charles to this country to hold a meeting with him, He read to the Committee a record of the discussion at that meeting, copies of which would be circulated.
security turkey bulgaria greece germany united nations air power air warfare communism diplomacy foreign policy imperialism information sharing international relations police yugoslavia korea cold war contingency planning liaison military operations allies military intelligence security service secret intelligence service secrecy subversion soviet foreign policy soviet satellite states ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe threat of war with the ussr joint intelligence committee (middle east) guy liddell communist information bureau german intelligence services invasion threat predicting enemy intentions air intelligence assessing enemy strength military situation reports joint intelligence committee (far east) joint intelligence committee (germany) anti-aircraft defence military objectives greek civil war chinese air force
Collection ID
Cold War
Bulgaria Germany Greece Korea Turkey Yugoslavia
Document Reference
CAB 159/9/65
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/9
German Intelligence Services Allies Liaison Intelligence Services Responsibilities Police Information Sharing Intelligence Channels Secrecy Security Foreign Policy Diplomacy Military Intelligence Military Operations Military Situation Reports Air Power Chinese Air Force Air Warfare Air Intelligence Anti-aircraft Defence Threat Of War With The Ussr Greek Civil War Invasion Threat Soviet Satellite States Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions Contingency Planning Military Objectives Soviet Foreign Policy Imperialism Subversion Communism
Chiefs of Staff Communist Information Bureau Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Joint Intelligence Committee (Middle East) Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service United Nations Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Guy Liddell Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-69
Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence International Relations

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