

1. Possible Soviet Reactions to the Re-Armament of Western Germany; 2. Likelihood of War; 3. Operation 'Match Box'; 4. Developments in Hungary; 5. Disclosure of Classified P/W Intelligence Information Through the Publication of Escape and Evasion Stories of World War II; 6. Review of the Situation Round the Soviet and Satellite Perimeter

1 Jan 1951

2. LIKELIHOOD OF WAR. TOP SECRET (Previous Reference: J.I.C.(51) 7th Meeting, Minute 5, of 18th January, 1951). THE COMMITTEE had before them a minute+ by the Secretary covering a memorandum by the Chairman on the procedure to be followed for the completion of their reporton the likelihood of war with the Soviet Union up to 1954. MR. REILLY recalled that at their previous meeting on this subject the members of the Committee had prepared an analysisø on which agreement had been reached and on which the Joint Intelligence Committee had been instructed to base a further draft report.
security hungary germany austria denmark diplomacy finances imperialism international relations prisoners of war propaganda publications romania travel restrictions treaties soviet union cold war rearmament contingency planning mobilisation evasion allies eastern bloc security clearance military intelligence security service secrecy intelligence gathering soviet foreign policy iron curtain military exercises soviet satellite states diplomatic officials ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations non-british agents intelligence funding intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence reports joint intelligence bureau consular intelligence sources percy sillitoe patrick reilly threat of war with the ussr escape intelligence requirements occupied germany release of information air raid precautions german army military strength predicting enemy intentions staff colleges assessing enemy strength diplomatic intelligence troop movements arthur shortt western bloc
Collection ID
Cold War
Austria Denmark Germany Hungary Romania Soviet Union
Document Reference
CAB 159/9/14
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/9
Rearmament Occupied Germany German Army Non-british Agents Diplomacy Diplomatic Intelligence Allies Western Bloc Soviet Foreign Policy Propaganda Security Imperialism Threat Of War With The Ussr Contingency Planning Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions War Preparations Mobilisation Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Finances Intelligence Gathering Intelligence Channels Intelligence Funding Soviet Satellite States Travel Restrictions Diplomatic Officials Consular Intelligence Sources Treaties Release Of Information Publications Escape Evasion Prisoners Of War Secrecy Security Clearance Staff Colleges Iron Curtain Eastern Bloc Troop Movements Military Strength Military Exercises Air Raid Precautions
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Stewart Menzies Patrick Reilly Arthur Shortt Percy Sillitoe
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-69
International Relations Military Intelligence Intelligence Organization

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