

1. Employment of German Scientists; 2. Exchange of Intelligence with the Allies in Germany; 3. Exchange of Information with the French in South-East Asia; 4. Security Aspect of Turkey's Association with N.A.T.O. Military Planning; 5. Security of Military Secrets Within the Ministry of Supply; 6. Documents Research Section, Germany; 7. Re-classification of a Certain Deserter as a Defector; 8. Security Vetting of Israelis Attending Training Courses in the United Kingdom; 9. Certain Lectures

1 Jul 1950

SECRET In discussion, it was agreed that the suggestion by Group Captain Brodie was a possibility although at present the Scientists were mostly employed on guided missiles and similar projects which Germany would not be undertaking. A small number had already been sent back to Germany and employment had been obtained for them through "MATCHBOX", but if the more able ones were sent back, there was a risk of their abilities being transferred to the Soviet Union. It Wes generally agreed that the crux of the problem appeared to be whether or not the German scientists were indispensable.
china security turkey united kingdom poland training greece germany russia alliances colonies communism deserters ideology indochina information sharing propaganda recruitment scientific research siam soviet union cold war surveillance defence missiles allies weapons development security clearance military intelligence defectors empire north atlantic treaty organisation security service secret intelligence service secrecy secret intelligence gathering military organisation attachés ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office imperial defence british domestic security scientific experts non-british agents intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence distribution joint intelligence bureau consular intelligence sources percy sillitoe patrick reilly roger hollis information research department intelligence requirements occupied germany classified documents staff colleges german scientists captured documents joint intelligence committee (far east) joint intelligence committee (germany) turkish armed forces security checks
Collection ID
Cold War
China Germany Greece Indochina Poland Russia Siam Soviet Union Turkey United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/8/50
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/8
German Scientists Scientific Research Scientific Experts Recruitment Security Secrecy Security Checks Intelligence Services Responsibilities Defence Weapons Development Missiles Intelligence Channels Information Sharing Intelligence Distribution Occupied Germany Allies Alliances Classified Documents Colonies Empire Imperial Defence Attachés Intelligence Gathering Consular Intelligence Sources Military Intelligence Turkish Armed Forces Secret Military Organisation Captured Documents Deserters Defectors Security Clearance Propaganda Non-british Agents Training Staff Colleges Communism Ideology Intelligence Requirements
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Information Research Department Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Ministry of Defence North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Roger Hollis Stewart Menzies Patrick Reilly Percy Sillitoe
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 69-138
Surveillance Intelligence Organization British Domestic Security

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