Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Committee, Held in Conference Room "G", at the Ministry of Defence, S.W.1. on Friday, 13th January, 1950 at 10.45 a.m.



Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Committee, Held in Conference Room "G", at the Ministry of Defence, S.W.1. on Friday, 13th January, 1950 at 10.45 a.m.

THIS IS A COPY. THE ORIGINAL IS RETAINED UNDER SECTION 3 (4) OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS ACT 3. EFFECTS OF SOVIET OCCUPATION ON TOP SECRET WESTERN EUROPE IN THE EVENT OF WAR AFTER 1956 (Previous Reference: J.I.C. (49) 132nd Meeting, Minute 3). THE COMMITTEE had before them a minute+ by the Secretary covering a memorandum by the Joint Intelligence Staff setting out suggested assumptions on which to base a report≠ on the effects of Soviet occupation on Western Europe in the event of war after 1956. MR. REILLY recalled that these draft assumptions had been prepared in the light of the Committee's previous discussion on this matter in order to try to arrive at a workable basis from which to prepare a report which, in any case, would involve a considerable amount of guesswork. There was considerable feeling in the Departments of the Foreign Office who would be concerned with the preparation of such a report that, in view of the amount of guesswork involved, it was a matter of considerable doubt whether the resultant report would be of any value. Furthermore, the Joint Intelligence Staff had a lot of work on hand and he suggested that in the light of these considerations it might be preferable to suspend any further work on the report. + J.I.C./47/50. ≠ J.I.C. (49) 108 (Terms of Reference). -2-
Collection ID
Cold War
Document Reference
CAB 159/7/8
File Reference
CAB 159/0007
Atomic Warfare Weapons Development Armaments Occupation Arrangements Threat Of War With The Ussr War Preparations Contingency Planning Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Military Intelligence Military Operations Liberated Europe Strategy Soviet Foreign Policy Information Sharing Defence Liaison Allies Alliances Treaties Intelligence Distribution Intelligence Channels Intelligence Services Responsibilities Personnel Former Colonies Security Secrecy British Intelligence Organisation
Sections of this document have been retained under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act, 1958.
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings 1 (0)-60 (0)
Weapons Technology and Nuclear Warfare Military Intelligence and Operations Intelligence Organisation and Administration