

1. Meeting with Mr. G.W. Harrison; 2. Implications of Soviet Atomic Development; 3. Soviet Intentions and Capabilities; 4. Intelligence for the Standing Group; 5. Preparation of a Publication on Special Operations; 6. Mr W.G. Hayter.

1 Jul 1949

TOP SECRET THE COMMITTEE:(1) Invited the Acting Director of Military Intelligence to reply to the letter from the member of the United States Joint Intelligence Group in the light of their discussion. THE COMMITTEE then discussed generally the date at which it would be most appropriate for Part II of the Combined Appreciation to be discussed between representatives of the countries concerned. It was pointed out that the lack of an agreed Part II of the Combined Appreciation was already having a hampering effect on long term planning and would also affect the intelligence required for the Standing Group and Regional Groups of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
security united kingdom technology france belgium united states of america strategy armaments denmark foreign policy historians information sharing netherlands nuclear warfare publications scientific research cold war personnel contingency planning allies military intelligence north atlantic treaty organisation security service secrecy special operations diplomatic officials ministry of defence william hayter joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations anglo-american relations weapons technology atomic warfare british domestic security british intelligence organisation stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence reports intelligence distribution underground resistance lawrence pendred joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe threat of war with the ussr guy liddell american intelligence services intelligence requirements kenneth strong military strength predicting enemy intentions assessing enemy strength joint intelligence committee (washington) valentine boucher
Collection ID
Cold War
Belgium Denmark France Netherlands United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 159/6/61
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/6
Diplomatic Officials Foreign Policy Atomic Warfare Scientific Research Technology Armaments Contingency Planning Strategy War Preparations Threat Of War With The Ussr Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions Military Intelligence Military Strength Intelligence Requirements Intelligence Reports Information Sharing Allies Anglo-american Relations American Intelligence Services Intelligence Channels Intelligence Services Responsibilities Intelligence Distribution Publications Special Operations Security Secrecy Historians Underground Resistance Personnel British Intelligence Organisation
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Washington) Ministry of Defence North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Valentine Boucher John Gardiner William Hayter Guy Liddell Stewart Menzies Lawrence Pendred Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 65-133
Weapons Technology Nuclear Warfare Military Intelligence British Domestic Security

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