

1. Situation in South China; 2. The Implications of an Austrian Treaty; 3. Russian Chemical Warfare - Nerve Gases; 4. The Scale and Effect of Atomic Bombing on Egyptian Ports.

1 Jul 1949

TOP SECRET THE COMMITTEE:Approved the report by the Joint Scientific and Joint Technical Intelligence Committees, and instructed the Secretary to issue it as a report by the Committee in accordance with the circulation recommended by the Joint Scientific and Joint Technical Intelligence Committees. 4. THE SCALE AND EFFECT OF ATOMIC BOMBING TOP SECRET ON EGYPTIAN PORTS. THE COMMITTEE had before them a minute+ by the Secretary covering a letter from the Secretary, Joint Intelligence Committee, Middle East, asking for certain information on the scale and effect of atomic bombing on Egyptian ports in the period 1957 onwards.
china united kingdom hong kong armaments chemical warfare colonies international relations naval warfare nuclear warfare ports scientific research soviet union cold war contingency planning bombing weapons development military intelligence empire security service ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office imperial defence weapons technology atomic warfare stewart menzies intelligence reports joint planning staff joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe joint intelligence committee (middle east) intelligence requirements kenneth strong geographic intelligence communications disruption air raids assessing enemy strength military situation reports joint intelligence committee (far east) military objectives chinese civil war occupied austria
Collection ID
Cold War
China Soviet Union United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/6/23
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/6
Chinese Civil War Military Intelligence Hong Kong Colonies Empire Imperial Defence Military Situation Reports Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Contingency Planning Assessing Enemy Strength Occupied Austria Chemical Warfare Scientific Research Weapons Development Armaments Atomic Warfare Ports Geographic Intelligence Military Objectives Naval Warfare Communications Disruption Bombing Air Raids
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Middle East) Joint Planning Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 65-133
Military Intelligence International Relations Weapons Technology Nuclear Warfare

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