

1. Review of Intelligence Organisation in the Middle East; 2. Disposal of the Walter Team of German Scientists; 3. Disposal of Captured German Documents; 4. Gordon Bennett Cup Contest - 1949; 5. Disclosure of Anglo-American Classified Information to Third Parties; 6. Attaches - Membership of Officers' Clubs; 7. Training Facilities for Students from Countries Within the Atlantic Pact; 8. Soviet Capabilities to Sabotage Installations of Military Interest to the United States

1 Jan 1948

TOP SECRET THE COMMITTEE:(1) Strongly expressed the view that there was a serious security risk should Dr. Walter return to Germany, both from the point of view of the information which he had obtained from his work in this country and of the value of his abilities to the Russians, and that every step should therefore be taken to encourage him either to stay in this country or to go to a suitable country abroad; (2) Invited the Admiralty to take their views into account in determining the disposal of the Walter team; (3) Instructed the Secretary to bring their views to the notice of the Secretary, Defence Research Policy Committee, to include the point at "X" above.
security training united states of america germany airspace balloons entertainment historians information sharing travel restrictions soviet union cold war arab world counter-intelligence military intelligence security service secrecy sabotage soviet satellite states diplomatic officials attachés blockades aerial reconnaissance ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff commonwealth relations office foreign office anglo-american relations british domestic security soviet agents scientific experts british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence distribution joint intelligence bureau consular intelligence sources percy sillitoe roger hollis release of information predicting enemy intentions classified documents staff colleges german scientists joint intelligence committee (washington) captured documents joint intelligence committee (germany) reconnaissance aircraft soviet strategy berlin airlift german archives
Collection ID
Cold War
Germany Soviet Union United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 159/5/50
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/5
British Intelligence Organisation Arab World German Scientists Scientific Experts Security Secrecy Counter-intelligence Historians Captured Documents German Archives Balloons Airspace Berlin Airlift Entertainment Blockades Aerial Reconnaissance Reconnaissance Aircraft Release Of Information Classified Documents Anglo-american Relations Information Sharing Intelligence Distribution Attachés Consular Intelligence Sources Diplomatic Officials Soviet Agents Soviet Satellite States Travel Restrictions Training Staff Colleges Sabotage Soviet Strategy Predicting Enemy Intentions
Chiefs of Staff Commonwealth Relations Office Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Joint Intelligence Committee (Washington) Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Roger Hollis Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-64
Intelligence Organization British Domestic Security Military Intelligence

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