

1. Intelligence on Hong Kong and China; 2. Policy and Procedure for Handling Defectors; 3. C.I.A. Comments on J.I.C. Reports; 4. Indications of Russian Preparedness for War; 5. Soviet Guided Missile Programme

1 Jan 1948

2. POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING DEFECTORS TOP SECRET (Previous Reference: J.I.C. (49) 25th Meeting, Minute 5) THE COMMITTEE considered a minute+ by the Secretary covering a letter from the Foreign Office on the subject of the interrogation of the defector Heidrich, former SecretaryGeneral of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by a member of the Foreign Service at H.M. Embassy in Washington, together with a copy of the questionnaire which it was proposed to send to the Embassy for use in the interrogation.
china united states of america hong kong germany colonies information sharing interrogation cold war surveillance contingency planning mobilisation missiles weapons development military intelligence defectors empire security service central intelligence agency intelligence gathering soviet foreign policy ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations imperial defence anglo-american relations british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence reports joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe threat of war with the ussr guy liddell american intelligence services intelligence requirements occupied germany kenneth strong press reports invasion threat predicting enemy intentions joint intelligence committee (far east) joint intelligence committee (germany) soviet strategy
Collection ID
Cold War
China Germany United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 159/5/47
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/5
Hong Kong Colonies Invasion Threat Imperial Defence Empire Information Sharing Anglo-american Relations Intelligence Reports Intelligence Requirements Defectors British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Gathering Interrogation American Intelligence Services Occupied Germany Soviet Foreign Policy Soviet Strategy Press Reports War Preparations Predicting Enemy Intentions Threat Of War With The Ussr Contingency Planning Mobilisation Missiles Weapons Development
Central Intelligence Agency Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Guy Liddell Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-64
Surveillance Intelligence Organization Military Intelligence

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