

1. Intelligence Group, Allied Commission for Austria - (British Element); 2. Russian Postal Censorship - Publicity; 3. Production of an Inter-Service Intelligence Manual; 4. Attaches - Membership of Officers Clubs; 5. Inter-Service Intelligence Mobilisation Plans-Far East; 6. Invitations Received by Officers from Russians; 7.

1 Jan 1948

THIS IS A COPY. THE ORIGINAL IS RETAINED UNDER SECTION 3 (4) OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS ACT BRIGADIER HOPE said that the Intelligence Group held a watching brief for the Admiralty and assured Captain Litchfield-Speer that his point would not be overlooked. suggested that the charter of requirements should emphasise the importance of Russian deserters and defectors to the Intelligence Organisation in the United Kingdom and the necessity for maintaining an interrogation staff in Austria. THE COMMITTEE:Instructed the Joint Intelligence Staff to draw up a charter of Intelligence requirements of Ministries from the Intelligence Organisation ACABRIT, based on the requirements attached to the minutes by the War Office and the Brigadier, General Staff (Intelligence), Austria, and including the requirements of the Foreign Office and the points at "X" and "Y" above.
security united kingdom training germany united nations russia austria censorship deserters diplomacy entertainment finances foreign policy postal communications propaganda travel restrictions cold war surveillance personnel contingency planning mobilisation defectors security service intelligence gathering public statements attachés ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations british domestic security soviet agents british intelligence organisation intelligence funding intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence distribution communications interception joint intelligence bureau consular intelligence sources percy sillitoe threat of war with the ussr inter-services cooperation anglo-soviet relations manpower reductions joint intelligence committee (far east) joint intelligence committee (germany) intelligence mobilisation plans occupied austria
Collection ID
Cold War
Austria Germany Russia United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/5/37
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/5
Occupied Austria Intelligence Funding British Intelligence Organisation Finances Manpower Reductions Personnel Intelligence Channels Deserters Defectors Intelligence Gathering Postal Communications Communications Interception Censorship Propaganda Security Public Statements Intelligence Distribution Training Attachés Entertainment Consular Intelligence Sources Soviet Agents Travel Restrictions Diplomacy Foreign Policy Anglo-soviet Relations Inter-services Cooperation Mobilisation Threat Of War With The Ussr Contingency Planning War Preparations
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Committee (Germany) Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service United Nations Intelligence Mobilisation Plans Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 1-64
Intelligence Organization Surveillance British Domestic Security

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