

1. Western Union - Intelligence Organisation; 2. Security of Military Secrets Within the Ministry of Supply; 3. Employment of Service Personnel on Cypher Duties; 4. Foreign Missions in the British Zone of Germany; 5. Exchange of Air Force Officers with Sweden

1 Jan 1948

(topographical etc.) should be the subject of a separate examination. Security. After a full discussion on the security measures required to safeguard our interests in passing intelligence to the other member powers of the Western Union, the following points were made:(i) The United Kingdom Representative on the Military Committee would be given all information required. (ii) Any intelligence which it was desired to submit to the Intelligence Division of the Military Committee must be subject to prior security clearance.
security united kingdom germany air power alliances colonies communications diplomacy information sharing international relations recruitment sweden treaties cold war personnel allies military intelligence royal air force empire security service diplomatic missions secret intelligence service secrecy secret diplomatic officials ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office former colonies british intelligence organisation intelligence organization stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence distribution joint intelligence bureau consular intelligence sources cyphers occupied germany release of information classified documents swedish armed forces treaty of brussels
Collection ID
Cold War
Germany Sweden United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/4/52
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/4
Treaty Of Brussels Allies Alliances Treaties Intelligence Services Responsibilities British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Channels Intelligence Distribution Information Sharing Personnel Security Secrecy Secret Release Of Information Classified Documents Cyphers Communications Colonies Empire Former Colonies Recruitment Diplomatic Missions Diplomatic Officials Occupied Germany Diplomacy Consular Intelligence Sources Swedish Armed Forces Royal Air Force Air Power
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Ministry of Defence Secret Intelligence Service Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Stewart Menzies
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 63 (0)-142
Intelligence Organization International Relations Military Intelligence

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