

1. Comparison of the Fighting Values of Russian and Allied Forces; 2. Civil Defence - Intelligence Liaison; 3. Intelligence from the South West Persian Oilfields; 4. Beach Reconnaissances by Western Union Powers; 5. Intelligence Co-ordination Committee - East Africa; 6. Nomenclature - Bandit Movements; 7. Photographic Reconnaissance - Middle East. Requirments

1 Jan 1948

AIR COMMODORE HAWTREY suggested that Service Attaches should be requested to ensure that the overt information, as required by the Home Office Questiennaire, was obtained and reported periodically to London. This information could then be passed direct by Service Ministries to Civil Defence Intelligence. BRIGADIER WAY said that information on foreign Civil Defence was not covered by the charter of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, and only very little incidental information was received on this subject.
turkey united kingdom france belgium mapping sudan terrorism russia aircraft alliances civil defence malaya ideology industry israel netherlands rhodesia southern rhodesia oil cold war surveillance defence liaison military operations allies partisans military intelligence empire security service morale intelligence gathering aerial reconnaissance ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff commonwealth relations office foreign office british intelligence organisation stewart menzies intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities intelligence distribution joint planning staff joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe joint intelligence committee (middle east) intelligence requirements kenneth strong paul gleadell military strength geographic intelligence topographical intelligence photographic reconnaissance assessing enemy strength valentine boucher reconnaissance aircraft soviet army beach reconnaissance
Collection ID
Cold War
Belgium France Israel Malaya Netherlands Rhodesia Russia Southern Rhodesia Sudan Turkey United Kingdom
Document Reference
CAB 159/4/27
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 159/4
Military Intelligence Military Operations Military Strength Morale Soviet Army Allies Alliances Assessing Enemy Strength Defence Liaison Intelligence Distribution Intelligence Services Responsibilities Intelligence Channels Intelligence Requirements Civil Defence Oil Geographic Intelligence Industry Beach Reconnaissance Mapping Topographical Intelligence British Intelligence Organisation Empire Intelligence Gathering Partisans Ideology Terrorism Aerial Reconnaissance Photographic Reconnaissance Reconnaissance Aircraft Aircraft
Chiefs of Staff Commonwealth Relations Office Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Joint Intelligence Committee (Middle East) Joint Planning Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Valentine Boucher Paul Gleadell Stewart Menzies Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Minutes (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee. Meetings 63 (0)-142
Military Intelligence Surveillance

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