

Possible Military Operations in S.E. Asia by (J.I.C. (F.L.) (52) 20 (Final Revise)

1 Jan 1953

2 TOP SECRET Summary 5. This paper does not lead to firm conclusions, but the salient points are summarised below. Army 6. The Chinese Communist Army (CCA) is the largest army in the Far East with a present strength of 2,500,000 regular combatant troops. It is still basically an infantry force, although a gradual reorganisation along Soviet Army lines is expected. 7. We consider that China would probably use a Field Army of nine armies, with a total strength of 280,000, for an invasion of South-East Asia; such a force would not only be very superior in numbers but would have sufficient supporting arms to produce overall superiority over the present defenders.
pakistan cambodia singapore laos india china economy united states of america united nations strategy russia air power colonies communications malaya federation of malaya indochina burma transportation siam soviet union vietnam korea economic intelligence cold war contingency planning defence military operations weapons development french armed forces military intelligence military supplies french navy chinese foreign policy french army weapons production ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff war preparations imperial defence military strength predicting enemy intentions geographic intelligence assessing enemy strength joint intelligence committee (far east) military objectives naval strength french air force chinese army chinese air force soviet-chinese relations chinese navy
Collection ID
Cold War
Burma Cambodia China Federation of Malaya India Indochina Korea Laos Malaya Pakistan Russia Siam Singapore Soviet Union United States of America Vietnam
Document Reference
CAB 158/15/14
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 158/15
Chinese Foreign Policy Predicting Enemy Intentions Assessing Enemy Strength Contingency Planning War Preparations Chinese Army Chinese Air Force Chinese Navy Military Strength Military Objectives Colonies Imperial Defence Defence Air Power Naval Strength Geographic Intelligence Communications Transportation Strategy Economy Economic Intelligence Soviet-chinese Relations Weapons Production Weapons Development French Armed Forces French Air Force French Navy French Army Military Operations Military Supplies
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Ministry of Defence United Nations Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Memoranda (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee: Memoranda 1-62
Military Intelligence

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