

Periodic Intelligence Summary for S.H.A.P.E. (Order of Battle Section)

1 Jan 1953

TOP SECRET 3 ANNEX A Part I.—Estimated Distribution of the Soviet Army (including Security Troops of MGB/MVD) Finland Germany Poland Czechoslovakia Austria Hungary Bulgaria Roumania Albania China, Manchuria and Korea Total outside U.S.S.R. Total inside U.S.S.R. Total Strength 44746 Strength 10,000 400,000 39,500 500 33,000 23,000 1,500 — 25,000 3 500 121,000 654,000 2,546,000 3,200,000 Divs. — 33 3 — 3 2 — — — TOP SECRET Remarks Military Mission Military Mission Military Mission Includes Military Mission in Korea of 2,000 Soviet Army 2,800,000 Security Troops of MGB/MVD.
china politics france albania bulgaria hungary poland finland germany russia air power austria czechoslovakia denmark german democratic republic lithuania politicians romania spain sweden great britain soviet union yugoslavia korea cold war personnel east germany austria-hungary military intelligence adolf hitler soviet satellite states ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff war preparations geheime staatspolizei threat of war with the ussr communist information bureau polish armed forces kenneth strong german army military strength predicting enemy intentions soviet society josef stalin assessing enemy strength troop movements valentine boucher francis fressanges patrick dean joachim von ribbentrop soviet air force soviet navy naval strength soviet government soviet army anthony buzzard
Collection ID
Cold War
Albania Austria Austria-Hungary Bulgaria China Czechoslovakia Denmark East Germany Finland France German Democratic Republic Germany Great Britain Hungary Korea Lithuania Poland Romania Russia Soviet Union Spain Sweden Yugoslavia
Document Reference
CAB 158/15/4
Document Types
Report Map
File Reference
CAB 158/15
Military Intelligence Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions War Preparations Threat Of War With The Ussr Soviet Army Soviet Air Force Soviet Navy Soviet Satellite States Air Power Military Strength Naval Strength German Army Troop Movements Polish Armed Forces Personnel Politicians Politics Soviet Society Soviet Government
Chiefs of Staff Communist Information Bureau Geheime Staatspolizei Ministry of Defence Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Valentine Boucher Anthony Buzzard Patrick Dean Francis Fressanges Adolf Hitler Joachim von Ribbentrop Josef Stalin Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Memoranda (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee: Memoranda 1-62
Military Intelligence

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