

War Preparedness in European Satellite Countries

1 Jan 1952

SECRET ANNEX WAR PREPAREDNESS OF EUROPEAN SATELLITE COUNTRIES Armies 1. The following table shows the considerable increase in the strength of the Satellite armies (excluding Albania) which has taken place since the end of 1950. Percentage end of 1950 April 1952 increase Poland 180,000 300,000 67 Czechoslovakia 130,000 165,000 27 Hungary 85,000 150,000(minimum) 76 Roumania 220,000 270,000 23 Bulgaria 160,000 185,000 16 TOTAL 775,000 1070,000(minimum) 38 It is believed that recent call-ups may have brought about a further increase in the strength of all satellite armies but this increase is likely to be cancelled out by releases at the end of the training season.
albania bulgaria hungary poland germany russia air power austria czechoslovakia manpower romania soviet union yugoslavia cold war contingency planning mobilisation defence eastern bloc military intelligence military supplies coastal defence soviet satellite states military organisation weapons production ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office war preparations patrick reilly threat of war with the ussr kenneth strong war materials military strength predicting enemy intentions geographic intelligence assessing enemy strength francis fressanges eric searight arthur shortt anti-aircraft defence naval strength
Collection ID
Cold War
Albania Austria Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Germany Hungary Poland Romania Russia Soviet Union Yugoslavia
Document Reference
CAB 158/14/52
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 158/14
Assessing Enemy Strength Predicting Enemy Intentions War Preparations War Materials Contingency Planning Military Intelligence Military Strength Military Organisation Mobilisation Manpower Weapons Production Military Supplies Soviet Satellite States Threat Of War With The Ussr Air Power Naval Strength Geographic Intelligence Eastern Bloc Defence Coastal Defence Anti-aircraft Defence
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Francis Fressanges Patrick Reilly Eric Searight Arthur Shortt Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Memoranda (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee: Memoranda 1-79
Military Intelligence

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