

Official History of British War Production by Professor H.M. Postan

1 Jul 1951

TOP SECRET SUMMARY OF ARGUMENTS PUT FORWARD BY SERVICE DEPARTMENTS AND MINISTRY OF SUPPLY AGAINST PUBLICATION AT THE PRESENT TIME 1. The volume contains information, the disclosure of which would be prejudicial to our interests so long as our industrial structure and the types of weapon we should produce in war remain fundamentally similar to 1939/45. From the history a fairly accurate assessment could be made of our industrial potential in a war breaking out within the next few years. 2. The official history sets forth collated information enabling an accurate assessment to be made of the peak war capacity of British industry and of the time taken to build up to that peak.
security united kingdom economy united states of america germany russia armaments censorship historians industry propaganda psychological warfare publications great britain soviet union economic intelligence cold war defence east germany military intelligence secrecy leakage of information weapons production ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff foreign office norman brook war preparations ministry of economic warfare joint intelligence bureau percy sillitoe patrick reilly kenneth strong war materials release of information industrial intelligence arthur shortt neill ogilvie-forbes anthony buzzard
Collection ID
Cold War
East Germany Germany Great Britain Russia Soviet Union United Kingdom United States of America
Document Reference
CAB 158/13/66
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 158/13
Censorship Armaments Weapons Production Industry Security Secrecy Leakage Of Information Release Of Information Historians Industrial Intelligence War Materials Publications War Preparations Economy Economic Intelligence Military Intelligence Defence
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Intelligence Bureau Ministry of Defence Ministry of Economic Warfare Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Norman Brook Anthony Buzzard John Gardiner Neill Ogilvie-Forbes Patrick Reilly Arthur Shortt Percy Sillitoe Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Memoranda (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee: Memoranda 61-131
Propaganda Censorship Psychological Warfare

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