

Review of the Middle East and North Africa

1 Jul 1951

CONFIDENTIAL 3 ANNEX Review of the Middle East and North Africa Scope of the review This review covers the countries usually included in the term " Middle East"— Turkey, the Arab States, Israel, Persia, and the Sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf—together with the territories contiguous to them in the east—Afghanistan and Pakistan—and in the west—Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spanish Morocco and French Morocco. The diversity of the area under review 2. The territories of this area differ widely from one another in race, history and political development.
pakistan indonesia india china afghanistan armenia morocco turkey united kingdom politics france economy belgium egypt sudan lebanon iraq yemen algeria libya syria cyprus tunisia saudi arabia portugal jordan united states of america bahrain azerbaijan qatar greece united nations russia colonies ideology indochina international relations israel italy jews transjordan kuwait manpower military bases naval bases netherlands oman spain great britain soviet union korea economic intelligence cold war palestine league of nations arab world iranian politics military intelligence political intelligence ottoman empire airfields persia ministry of defence joint intelligence sub-committee chiefs of staff foreign office joint planning staff patrick reilly kenneth strong military strength geographic intelligence francis fressanges eric searight anthony buzzard turkish empire
Collection ID
Cold War
Afghanistan Algeria Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Belgium China Cyprus Egypt France Great Britain Greece India Indochina Indonesia Iraq Israel Italy Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Libya Morocco Netherlands Oman Ottoman Empire Pakistan Palestine Persia Portugal Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Soviet Union Spain Sudan Syria Transjordan Tunisia Turkey Turkish Empire United Kingdom United States of America Yemen
Document Reference
CAB 158/13/30
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 158/13
Military Intelligence Political Intelligence Economic Intelligence Geographic Intelligence Arab World Ideology Jews Iranian Politics Politics Economy Colonies Manpower Military Strength Military Bases Airfields Naval Bases
Chiefs of Staff Foreign Office Joint Planning Staff League of Nations Ministry of Defence United Nations Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
Anthony Buzzard Francis Fressanges Patrick Reilly Eric Searight Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence and Cabinet Office: Central Intelligence Machinery: Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Later Committee: Memoranda (JIC Series). Joint Intelligence Committee: Memoranda 61-131
International Relations Military Intelligence

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