

The Present Ability of the Soviet Union to Wage War in the Far East and Its Initial Strategy. Report by the Joint Intelligence Committee

1 Jan 1949

ANNEX TOP SECRET COMMENTS BY THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE ON A REPORT BY THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, (FAR EAST) ON "THE ABILITY OF THE SOVIET UNION TO WAGE WAR IN THE FAR EAST AND ITS INITIAL STRATEGY". General Comments We have the following major comments on the Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) report+ on "The ability of the Soviet Union to wage war in the Far East and its initial Strategy":(a) it has not been clearly related to any specific date. (b) the future political situation in China has not been sufficiently taken into account.
singapore china japan brunei strategy russia resources air power aircraft armaments chemical warfare biological warfare north korea indochina manpower naval warfare transportation ports railways submarines ussr soviet union oil korea cold war contingency planning military operations formosa military intelligence convoys ministry of defence william hayter joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff atomic warfare intelligence reports lawrence pendred threat of war with the ussr kenneth strong war materials military strength predicting enemy intentions geographic intelligence german scientists assessing enemy strength douglas packard joint intelligence committee (far east) military objectives soviet air force soviet navy naval strength soviet strategy chinese communists chinese civil war soviet army
Collection ID
Cold War
Brunei China Formosa Indochina Japan Korea North Korea Russia Singapore Soviet Union USSR
Document Reference
CAB 158/6/53
Document Types
Report Memorandum
File Reference
CAB 158/6
Assessing Enemy Strength Soviet Army Military Strength Threat Of War With The Ussr Atomic Warfare Chemical Warfare Biological Warfare Chinese Civil War Chinese Communists Military Operations Military Objectives Soviet Strategy Predicting Enemy Intentions Geographic Intelligence Railways Manpower Strategy Contingency Planning Soviet Navy Naval Warfare Naval Strength Submarines Ports Convoys Resources Oil Aircraft Soviet Air Force Air Power Transportation German Scientists Armaments War Materials Intelligence Reports
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) Joint Intelligence Staff Ministry of Defence Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner William Hayter Douglas Packard Lawrence Pendred Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Chiefs of Staff. Joint Intelligence Committee. Memoranda. Jan. - June 1949. Papers Nos. J.I.C. 1-41 Volume L
Military Intelligence

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