

Intelligence Organisation for a Supreme Headquarters. Note by the Secretary covering report by the Working Party

1 Jan 1949

TOP SECRET ANNEX INTELLIGENCE ORGANISATION FOR A SUPREME HEADQUARTERS The Working Party agreed that in order to produce a chart, certain assumptions must be made from the information available. These assumptions are:(a) that in a future war, a Supreme Commander, when appointed, will be concerned with highlevel policy, major strategy, political implications, economic problems and the co-ordination of the three services: (b) that in view of these responsibilities of a Supreme Commander, his appointment will be kept distinct from that of any of the three Service Commanders-in-Chief, in that he will not be required to carry out the functions of a Supreme Commander as well as those of Commander-in-Chief of one of the Services.
information sharing cold war contingency planning military intelligence security service military organisation ministry of defence joint intelligence staff joint intelligence sub-committee john gardiner chiefs of staff war preparations british intelligence organisation intelligence organization intelligence channels intelligence services responsibilities joint planning staff joint air photographic intelligence board kenneth strong naval intelligence air intelligence operational intelligence joint intelligence sub-committee duties joint technical intelligence sub-committee
Collection ID
Cold War
Document Reference
CAB 158/6/48
Document Types
Memorandum Report
File Reference
CAB 158/6
British Intelligence Organisation Intelligence Services Responsibilities Information Sharing War Preparations Intelligence Channels Military Organisation Contingency Planning Operational Intelligence Military Intelligence Naval Intelligence Air Intelligence Joint Intelligence Sub-committee Duties
Chiefs of Staff Joint Intelligence Staff Joint Planning Staff Ministry of Defence Security Service Joint Air Photographic Intelligence Board Joint Technical Intelligence Sub-Committee Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Persons Discussed
John Gardiner Kenneth Strong
Published in
United Kingdom
Chiefs of Staff. Joint Intelligence Committee. Memoranda. Jan. - June 1949. Papers Nos. J.I.C. 1-41 Volume L
Intelligence Organization